Diigo Imports

Diigo Imports

#MUED #sigmt
Musipedia: Musipedia Melody Search Engine
Musipedia: Musipedia Melody Search Engine
Musipedia is a searchable, editable, and expandable collection of tunes, melodies, and musical themes. Entries can contain a bit of sheet music, a MIDI file, textual information about the work and the composer, and last but not least the Parsons Code, a rough description of the melodic contour. Musipedia uses the "Melodyhound" melody search engine. You can find and identify a tune even if the melody is all you know. You can play it on a piano keyboard, whistle it to the computer, simply tap the rhythm on the computer keyboard or use the Parsons code.
Musipedia: Musipedia Melody Search Engine
Clipart ETC Homepage
Clipart ETC Homepage
Free clipart for students & teachers!58,000 pieces of free clipart and growing every week.Welcome to quality educational clipart. Every item comes with a choice of image size and format as well as complete source information for proper citations in sc
Clipart ETC Homepage
ccMixter is a community music site featuring remixes licensed under Creative Commons where you can listen to, sample, mash-up, or interact with music in whatever way you want.Remixers If you’re into sampling, remixing and mash-ups grab the sample packs
Open Hymnal Project - Free Public Domain Christian Hymns - Music Scores Home
Open Hymnal Project - Free Public Domain Christian Hymns - Music Scores Home
This web site is the home of the Open Hymnal Project to create a free, public domain, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual songs, and prelude/postlude music. I am doing my best to create a final product that is "Hymnal-quality", and could f
Open Hymnal Project - Free Public Domain Christian Hymns - Music Scores Home
t’s a Virtual keyboard that can simulate nine different instruments and can even play back chords. It’s a perfect companion for the SMART Board. The piano keyboard goes from ‘Middle C’ to ‘Upper F’ – one and a half octaves (18 different notes). The doubl