Diigo Imports

Diigo Imports

The APA Wizard
The APA Wizard
The APA Wizard is designed to help you create an APA (5th ed.) citation. It will take you through the steps for the most common types of cited works providing you with assistance on how to input specific information. As long as you enter the information
The APA Wizard
Guide to Grammar and Writing
Guide to Grammar and Writing
Created by Professor Charles Darling of Capital Community College (Hartford, Connecticut), it has had over 4 1/2 million hits and is linked from several thousand othereducational websites.One of the very best grammar sites on the web, with hundreds of pages, it is comprehensive, attractive,and well-executed.
Guide to Grammar and Writing
Plagiarism Stoppers : A Teachers Guide
Plagiarism Stoppers : A Teachers Guide
Plagiarism is a rapidly growing problem in many venues today. This needs to be addressed by all who are in the education field. This site may help you in your efforts towards these goals.
Plagiarism Stoppers : A Teachers Guide
All-But-Dissertation Survival Guide
All-But-Dissertation Survival Guide
ABDSG is A Free, Monthly E-mail Newsletter. As a subscriber, you'll receive once a month (or a little more often) a succinct article devoted to practical strategies for successfully completing your doctoral dissertation
All-But-Dissertation Survival Guide
Successful Academic: Dissertation coaching for graduate students. Career counseling for faculty.
Successful Academic: Dissertation coaching for graduate students. Career counseling for faculty.
Self-awareness, savvy strategies and practical skills make the difference between tenure and failure. Even small changes may produce big effects over time. I hope that some of the tips and tactics on these pages will move you closer to your goals.
Successful Academic: Dissertation coaching for graduate students. Career counseling for faculty.
Institute for Writing and Rhetoric
Institute for Writing and Rhetoric
The Dartmouth Institute for Writing and Rhetoric fosters students’ abilities as writers, speakers, and critical thinkers. The Institute promotes a culture of writing and rhetoric across campus through courses, through peer engagement among students, and t
Institute for Writing and Rhetoric
Verbs for Referring to Sources
Verbs for Referring to Sources
You can indicate your attitude to the sources you cite by choosing specific verbs to refer to them. Don't just keep repeating "Smith says." There is a wide choice of such verbs in English. Use a dictionary to check that you have chosen a verb with the nua
Verbs for Referring to Sources
Writing Center Handouts
Writing Center Handouts
High-quality materials on the art and craft of effective college-level writing are always in demand, and this website from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has a veritable cornucopia of such documents. The materials were created by the scho
Writing Center Handouts
SWoRD is a web-based reciprocal peer review system. In less fancy terms, students turn their class papers into SWoRD, which then assigns this paper to three to six peers in the class. The peers grade the paper and give advice for how to improve it. Students revise the paper and turn it back in to SWoRD, which distributes the paper to the same peers for final review. SWoRD determines the accuracy of the ratings through a complex process of separating out different kinds of bias in grading.
Grammar Tutorials
Grammar Tutorials
One of the most detailed, comprehensive grammar sites on the web. It is well-organized, attractive and easily navigated. The best part of the site is the tutorials, which are divided into four major sections: Parts of Speech, Sentence Elements, Punctuation, and Word Use.
Grammar Tutorials
Study Guides and Strategies
Study Guides and Strategies
Since 1996 the Study Guides and Strategies Website has been researched, authored, maintained and supported as an international, learner-centric, educational public service. Permission is granted to freely copy, adapt, and distribute individual Study Guides in print format in non-commercial educational settings that benefit learners
Study Guides and Strategies