Found 77 bookmarks
Brass Musician | The online magazine for brass players
Brass Musician | The online magazine for brass players is a magazine and community website for brass players, by brass players. On you’ll find articles covering a wide range of categories, including playing tips, how to, news, opinion, performance videos, reviews and more. You’ll also find an active and friendly community of fellow brass players.
Brass Musician | The online magazine for brass players
DRUMMERWORLD - The World of Drummers and Drums
DRUMMERWORLD - The World of Drummers and Drums
Browse the Drummers - Pictures - Sounds - Videos, check out the DrumClinic-Section - free lessons from the best DVD's and more, watch the Videos - see the masters at work..., join the Discussion Forum - 33,000 members..., shop DVD's + Books, listen to the Sounds & Grooves - MP3's, watch or listen to the Drum Solos
DRUMMERWORLD - The World of Drummers and Drums
Percussive Arts Society
Percussive Arts Society
The Percussive Arts Society offers students, teachers and professionals many valuable learning tools to succeed. PAS provides a number of print and online resources that can be used in lessons or that can be incorporated into your daily practice routine. You can start learning with PAS today with the following resources: Practice and Teaching Materials, HOTlicks, Rudiments, FUNdamentals, PASIC Session Handouts, Career Development, Other Online Resources, Education Videos, Online Research Journal, Compositions Research, Programs, and Composition and Festival Repertoire.
Percussive Arts Society
Music and the Bassoon
Music and the Bassoon
Music and the Bassoon includes:(1) Over 360 tunes to play, including folk tunes, popular songs, classical music, technical exercises, and “play by ear” assignments for beginners through professional players. (2) Many audio clips so you can hear professional bassoon playing on the tunes you are studying, and get a good sound in your head for which you can strive. (3) Many instructional videos that will help you see and hear how to play bassoon well. (4) Over 50 duets or canons where you can play in harmony with the audio clip.
Music and the Bassoon
Elementary Instrumental
Elementary Instrumental
Much of the content posted initially to this wiki was ported over from the former Home Practice Online website. HPO was created in 1998 as a resource for young instrumentalists and their directors. HPO was used by many band directors, and was featured in numerous music education articles, texts, and at conferences and university music education technology classes, all over the United States. With the advent of Web 2.0, and its ease-of-use, perhaps this wiki can expand the scope, content, and usefulness of HPO.
Elementary Instrumental
An interactive computer-based game for learning the recorder. The game contributes to musical awareness - rhythm and timing, fingering technique and coordination, correct and stable tone production, musical ear training, enhanced practice motivation, and
Macha Piano
Macha Piano
In late 2008, a unique e-learning relationship transpired between an eight year-old student in Macha, Zambia and a music educator in North America. Since that time, teacher and student have connected via the Internet for real-time lessons on a weekly bas
Macha Piano
Norton Music
Norton Music
Norton Music's User Style Disks for Band-In-A-Box contain authentic styles that include the kinds of parts that real, working, professional musicians would actually play. They don't get in the way of the melody, and they don't sound corny. · Norton Music'
Norton Music - Play and record musical greetings online and share them with family and friends! - Play and record musical greetings online and share them with family and friends!
KissTunes introduces a new and fun way to make your loved-ones smile (or smirk). With KissTunes you can use your computer's keyboard (QWERTY, the one you type with) to play a simple tune and record it in real time. You can save your recording online and l
·· - Play and record musical greetings online and share them with family and friends!
Welcome to the new home of Jon Ross Music, LLC. Jon Ross Music was created as a result of an all-new, visionary music publishing business model. We are bringing the very best fresh and experienced composers and arrangers together with the mos
t’s a Virtual keyboard that can simulate nine different instruments and can even play back chords. It’s a perfect companion for the SMART Board. The piano keyboard goes from ‘Middle C’ to ‘Upper F’ – one and a half octaves (18 different notes). The doubl
Musical Perspectives - Perspectives and Research in Music Performance
Musical Perspectives - Perspectives and Research in Music Performance
Music performance is not so narrowly defined as to be simply a concert or a recital. It is an experience, encompassing teaching and learning, analysis and critique, and the combined experiences of those who interact in diverse ways with the processes and
Musical Perspectives - Perspectives and Research in Music Performance
Keynotes Magazine
Keynotes Magazine
Instrumental music education topics of interest to stimulate motivate and inspire.It is the mission of Conn-Selmer, Inc. to provide an educational center, ongoing reference source, and support network for the professional growth of music educators. Comm
Keynotes Magazine - Gateway to best websites for Band Students & Directors - Gateway to best websites for Band Students & Directors was created by a band director specifically for band students and directors. It features only the most informative, straightforward and useful websites pertaining to instrumental music. All sites have been carefully selected to exclude of
·· - Gateway to best websites for Band Students & Directors