Welcome to the Horizon site. Our mission is to inform educators about the challenges that they will face in a changing world and steps they can take to meet these challenges.
The Technology Institute for Music Educators (TI:ME) is a non-profit corporation registered in the State of Pennsylvania whose mission is to assist music educators in applying technology to improve teaching and learning in music. Please browse the site an
The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) is the trusted source for professional development, knowledge generation, advocacy, and leadership for innovation. A nonprofit membership organization, ISTE provides leadership and service to im
AACE--Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
The Association (founded in 1981) is an international, educational and professional not-for profit organization dedicated to the advancement of the knowledge, theory, and quality of learning and teaching at all levels with information technology.
ATMI's mission is to improve music teaching and learning through the integration of current and emerging technologies into the music learning environment. It does this by providing a forum for the scholarly presentation of pedagogical and technical inform
OAAE was founded in 1974 and has established and maintains a network for communication, cooperation, and advocacy. OAAE has 22 organization members representing parents, educators, administrators, citizens, artists, and arts advocates. Individual members
ARTSEDGE — the National Arts and Education Network — supports the placement of the arts at the center of the curriculum and advocates creative use of technology to enhance the K-12 educational experience.