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The system provides a collection of free, web-based tools for generating a wide range of musical structures. Interfaces use simple web-based forms and selectors. Output is provided as standard, GM MIDI files. These files can easily be imported in
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Exchanging Notes
Exchanging Notes
Exchanging Notes was an exchange of ideas between teachers and composers in 2002, designed to strengthen and investigate new strategies for the teaching of composition across the secondary music curriculum. The Exchanging Notes resource can be downloaded
Exchanging Notes
GarageBand 2 Essential Training - Online Training Library ™
GarageBand 2 Essential Training - Online Training Library ™
This series of movies starts by taking you through the basics of using the GarageBand interface, and then shows you how to work with Apple Loops, Software Instruments, and Real Instruments.
GarageBand 2 Essential Training - Online Training Library ™