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Perfect Pitch | Take the Field
Perfect Pitch | Take the Field
Game produced by the Kennedy Center's Arts Edge. Perfect Pitch teaches students about the instruments in an orchestra through a baseball game setting. The game introduces students to four eras of orchestral music and the instruments used in each. Students can create their own small orchestras and virtually play each instrument to hear how it sounds. After building an orchestra students then test their knowledge in short quizzes about the instruments and their sounds.
Perfect Pitch | Take the Field
watsonmusic - Links
watsonmusic - Links
WEB-BASED AND TRADITIONAL MUSIC APPLICATIONSThe following are links to some of the best free web-based and traditional applications for creative musical activities available on the Internet. This listing will be updated from time to time.
watsonmusic - Links
VisualBlooms - home
VisualBlooms - home
A Visual Representation ofBloom's Taxonomic Hierarchywith a 21st Century Skills Frame.For the record...this is an implementation point, a discussion starter. Those of us that provide staff development around instructional technology have identified a
VisualBlooms - home