Plugins for SibeliusAdd additional functionality and save time with plug-ins for Sibelius.#mued#muedtech#sigmt#sibelius#ns5#notation#software··Jun 3, 2010Plugins for Sibelius
8 Free, Cross-Platform Apps for Musicians | Audiotuts+8 Free, Cross-Platform Apps for Musicians#mued#muedtech#sigmt#crossplatform#application#software#notation#sequencer#sequencing··Apr 17, 20108 Free, Cross-Platform Apps for Musicians | Audiotuts+
Note-A-Lator | Electric Peel SoftwarePractice reading music with quizzes tailored to suit your needs. See every wrong answer drawn on a staff next to the correct answer.#mued#muedtech#sigmt#notes#reading#ns5#notation#software··Feb 20, 2010Note-A-Lator | Electric Peel Software
Learn Sibelius in 1 hourFree video tutorials on Sibelius 6.#sibelius#music#notation#software#mued#muedtech#sigmt#cwrumued··Sep 27, 2009Learn Sibelius in 1 hour
LilyPond, music notation for everyoneLilyPond is an automated engraving system. It formats music beautifully and automatically, and has a friendly syntax for its input files. It is Free Software (‘open source’).#mued#muedtech#notation#software#free#opensource#sigmt#cwrumued··Jun 21, 2009LilyPond, music notation for everyone