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Snapguide is the easiest way to make and share great looking guides. Browse the site for great guides or get the free Snapguide App to Create your own guide.
Vienna RSS | The Free and Open Source RSS/Atom Reader for Mac OS X
Vienna RSS | The Free and Open Source RSS/Atom Reader for Mac OS X
Vienna is an RSS/Atom reader for Mac OS X, packed with powerful features that help you make sense of the flood of information that is distributed via these formats today. The Vienna Project is continuously being improved and updated, so keep up to date with current development on the forums.
Vienna RSS | The Free and Open Source RSS/Atom Reader for Mac OS X
Free iPhone App Builder | Free Android App Builder | iPhone and Android CMS
Free iPhone App Builder | Free Android App Builder | iPhone and Android CMS
Would you like to develop an iPhone or Android application? If so, it just got much easier with the Buzztouch content management system. Visitors don't need to know any coding, and after creating a Buzztouch account they can get started building their own application. Visitors should look over the "How Buzztouch Works" area to get acclimated to the program and they should also check out the "FAQ" section. This version is compatible with all operating systems and users will need to have access to an iPhone, iPad, or Android phone to test their application's functionality.
Free iPhone App Builder | Free Android App Builder | iPhone and Android CMS
iBuildApp :: Create Free iPhone and iPad Applications Using an Online Interface Builder|
iBuildApp :: Create Free iPhone and iPad Applications Using an Online Interface Builder|
BuildApp is online service that provides simple and inexpensive way to build, test, track and update a native iOS application that support text, rss feeds, images, audio, and video, and much, much more. Create a free application for your company, department, college or friends within minutes!
iBuildApp :: Create Free iPhone and iPad Applications Using an Online Interface Builder|
FormEntry, the iPad, iPhone & iPod touch App Creator
FormEntry, the iPad, iPhone & iPod touch App Creator
FormEntry for Mac is the only development toolkit you need to build productive, great-looking applications for the iPad, iPhone or iPod touch.Not everyone has the patience to learn software development, however anyone can be an App developer with FormEn
FormEntry, the iPad, iPhone & iPod touch App Creator
PhoneGap is an open source development framework for building cross-platform mobile apps. Build apps in HTML and JavaScript and still take advantage of core features in iPhone/iTouch, iPad, Google Android, Palm, Symbian and Blackberry SDKs.
Cool Tools for iPhone App Development «
Cool Tools for iPhone App Development «
This is a presentation and collection of resources that was shared by the Apple Distinguished Educators at ITSC. I did check that this was okay to share and he was happy with it, but please cite where it came from. It was a very brief, but interesting ‘un
Cool Tools for iPhone App Development «
iWebKit the Best free framework for creating iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad web applications with ease!
iWebKit the Best free framework for creating iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad web applications with ease!
WebKit is a file package designed to help you create your own iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad compatible website or webapp. The kit is accessible to anyone even people without any html knowledge and is simple to understand thanks to the included tutorials. In
iWebKit the Best free framework for creating iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad web applications with ease!
Fluid - Turn Your Favorite Web Apps into Real Mac Apps.
Fluid - Turn Your Favorite Web Apps into Real Mac Apps.
Web applications like Gmail, Facebook, Campfire and Pandora are becoming more and more like desktop applications every day. Running each of these web apps in a separate tab in your browser can be a real pain.Fluid lets you create a Real Mac App (or "Fluid App") out of any website or web application, effectively turning your favorite web apps into OS X desktop apps.Creating a Fluid App out of your favorite website is simple. Enter the website's URL, provide a name, and optionally choose an icon. Click "Create", and within seconds your chosen website has a permanent home on your Mac as a real...
Fluid - Turn Your Favorite Web Apps into Real Mac Apps.