Timelinr is a simple web 2.0 application used for creating timelines online. You just need to enter the start year and end year of the timeline (range) and add events to the timeline and then click 'Create Timeline'. Timelinr will generate the Timeline based on the input you gave and it will return the HTML for your Timeline, which you can copy and use it anywhere!
Information Please has been providing authoritative answers to all kinds of factual questions since 1938—first as a popular radio quiz show, then starting in 1947 as an annual almanac, and since 1998 on the Internet. Many things have changed since 1938, but not our dedication to providing reliable information, in a way that engages and entertains. The site includes timelines of various eras of history, along with listing of events from many facets of life by year.
Instead of searching individual museum websites for art, history, or cultural artifacts, students and teachers can turn to the Museum of Online Museums (MoOM) for works found everywhere from the Smithsonian to the Musee d'Orsay. The site archives exhibit
The Radio Hour is a series of portfolio based music history curricula for grades 5-12. These curricula study Classical, Jazz, Rock, Black Music in America(BMIA), and Classroom Guitar while integrating technology, music analysis, improvisation, movement, c