The Hector Berlioz Website - independent personal site devoted to Berlioz’s life and music
Available in English and French, this personal site is devoted to the music, life and works of this great figure. Created, funded and authored by two British academics, the site gives a panoramic view of Berlioz’s life and art, and seeks to recreate the
Music can try to achieve what Beethoven wanted to express in his above-noted comment. We can call ourselves fortunate that we can enjoy music in general and Beethoven's music in particular, in this spirit. Beyond that, we can, as here in this web site, a
The Aaron Copland Collection ca. 1900-1990 - (American Memory from the Library of Congress)
The inaugural online presentation of the Aaron Copland Collection at the Library of Congress celebrates the centennial of the birth of the American composer Aaron Copland (1900-1990).