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National Coalition for Core Arts Standards
National Coalition for Core Arts Standards
The National Coalition for Core Arts Standards is a newly formed partnership of organizations and states who will lead the revision of the 1994 National Standards for Arts Education. The National Coalition for Core Arts Standards (NCCAS) plans to complete its work and release new, national voluntary arts education standards in fall, 2012. The standards will describe what students should know and be able to do as a result of a quality curricular arts education program. NCCAS is committed to developing a next generation of voluntary arts education standards that will build on the foundation...
National Coalition for Core Arts Standards
The Leonard Bernstein Collection, ca. 1920-1989 - (American Memory from the Library of Congress)
The Leonard Bernstein Collection, ca. 1920-1989 - (American Memory from the Library of Congress)
The composer, conductor, writer, and teacher Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990) was one of 20th-century America's most important musical figures. The Leonard Bernstein Collection is one of the largest and most varied of the many special collections held by the
The Leonard Bernstein Collection, ca. 1920-1989 - (American Memory from the Library of Congress) | Main | Main
The system provides a collection of free, web-based tools for generating a wide range of musical structures. Interfaces use simple web-based forms and selectors. Output is provided as standard, GM MIDI files. These files can easily be imported in
·· | Main
The Maine Music Box
The Maine Music Box
Over 22,000 pieces of sheet music (songs and instrumental works), contributed primarily by the Bagaduce Music Lending Library and the Bangor Public Library, and dating from the late nineteenth century to the late twentieth century, have been scanned as se
The Maine Music Box
Access to opera libretti, source texts, performance histories, synopses, discographies, and so on. The site also contains an opera information directory, which features an opera composer index containing 4800 entries. Free "Opera For Everyone" CD's.
Patriotic Melodies (Performing Arts Encyclopedia, The Library of Congress)
Patriotic Melodies (Performing Arts Encyclopedia, The Library of Congress)
Patriotic Melodies tells the stories behind many of the songs that have now become part of the American national heritage. A combination of hymns, national songs, music of the theater, radio and television, military themes, and poetry, all of this music d
Patriotic Melodies (Performing Arts Encyclopedia, The Library of Congress)
Exchanging Notes
Exchanging Notes
Exchanging Notes was an exchange of ideas between teachers and composers in 2002, designed to strengthen and investigate new strategies for the teaching of composition across the secondary music curriculum. The Exchanging Notes resource can be downloaded
Exchanging Notes
Keeping Score: Revolutions in Music - San Francisco Symphony
Keeping Score: Revolutions in Music - San Francisco Symphony
Keeping Score is the San Francisco Symphony’s national, multi-year program designed to make classical music more accessible to people of all ages and musical backgrounds. Keeping Score uses media in its most public and accessible forms to show that clas
Keeping Score: Revolutions in Music - San Francisco Symphony
African-American Band Music and Recordings (The Library of Congress Presents: Music, Theater and Dance)
African-American Band Music and Recordings (The Library of Congress Presents: Music, Theater and Dance)
The core of this presentation consists of “stock” arrangements for bands or small orchestras of popular songs written by African Americans. In addition, a smaller selection of historic sound recordings illustrating these songs and others are available
African-American Band Music and Recordings (The Library of Congress Presents: Music, Theater and Dance)