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DRUMMERWORLD - The World of Drummers and Drums
DRUMMERWORLD - The World of Drummers and Drums
Browse the Drummers - Pictures - Sounds - Videos, check out the DrumClinic-Section - free lessons from the best DVD's and more, watch the Videos - see the masters at work..., join the Discussion Forum - 33,000 members..., shop DVD's + Books, listen to the Sounds & Grooves - MP3's, watch or listen to the Drum Solos
DRUMMERWORLD - The World of Drummers and Drums
Percussive Arts Society
Percussive Arts Society
The Percussive Arts Society offers students, teachers and professionals many valuable learning tools to succeed. PAS provides a number of print and online resources that can be used in lessons or that can be incorporated into your daily practice routine. You can start learning with PAS today with the following resources: Practice and Teaching Materials, HOTlicks, Rudiments, FUNdamentals, PASIC Session Handouts, Career Development, Other Online Resources, Education Videos, Online Research Journal, Compositions Research, Programs, and Composition and Festival Repertoire.
Percussive Arts Society - Gateway to best websites for Band Students & Directors - Gateway to best websites for Band Students & Directors was created by a band director specifically for band students and directors. It features only the most informative, straightforward and useful websites pertaining to instrumental music. All sites have been carefully selected to exclude of
·· - Gateway to best websites for Band Students & Directors