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This text was written for a "terminal" [+1] introductory class in Statistics for Business, Social Science, or liberal arts; that is, this is the first and last class in Statistics for most students who take it. It also covers logic and reasoning at a leve
Inferential Statistics
Inferential Statistics
Welcome to «Concepts and Applications of Inferential Statistics», which is a free, full-length, and occasionally interactive statistics textbook. It is a companion site of «VassarStats: Web Site for Statistical Computation». The materials on this site may
Inferential Statistics
Statistical Navigator
Statistical Navigator
Statistical navigator is a tool for selection of an appropriate statistical method depending on: (a) goal of the analysis, (b) number of variables investigated at a time, (c) types of scales used, and (d) samples types, samples sizes and assumptions.
Statistical Navigator
Interactive Statistical Calculation Pages
Interactive Statistical Calculation Pages
The web pages listed here comprise a powerful, conveniently-accessible, multi-platform statistical software package. There are also links to online statistics books, tutorials, downloadable software, and related resources. All of these resources are freel
Interactive Statistical Calculation Pages