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Basic Electronics Tutorials and Revision
Basic Electronics Tutorials and Revision
Welcome to our all new Basic Electronics Tutorials and revision web site, we hope you like it. The purpose of this site is to give students and beginners alike studying Electronics, good Basic Electronics Tutorials and information to help develop a knowledge and understanding of the subject of Electronics.
Basic Electronics Tutorials and Revision
Keynote Classroom: Keynote News, Tips, Tricks, Tutorials, and Other Resources
Keynote Classroom: Keynote News, Tips, Tricks, Tutorials, and Other Resources is an online resource built and maintained by Mike Sammartano, an 8th grade Earth Science teacher in a public middle school just north of New York City. Mike is a member of the 2011 class of Apple Distinguished Educators and the 2012 class of Google Certified Teachers. He is passionate about educational technology and instructional media design. Numerous tutorials and other resources for using Keynote in creative ways.
Keynote Classroom: Keynote News, Tips, Tricks, Tutorials, and Other Resources
Aquallegro is a great way to improve your musical ability. It contains quizzes on various aspects of music, as well as detailed help files with tips and mnemonics. All of the quizzes are scored while in progress, so the user continuously knows how well they're doing, and it is easy to customize Aquallegro so it works the way you want it to. It also contains Administrative features for teachers, making it an excellent tool in any music program. Aquallegro is perfect for the comprehensive music student or just for the curious that want to hone their musical skills. With a price of $0, how could...
educational-origami - Starter Sheets
educational-origami - Starter Sheets
The Starter Sheets are resources for the classroom teacher. The intention of each sheet is to introduce a tool, technology or activity that could be easily adapted for use in the classroom. Each sheet is created to a template design and should have the following features: (a) must have pictures that illustrate process and outcomes, (b) process must be straight forward, (c) must be simple to read and understand, (d) must have clear benefits for the teacher in the classroom, the exemplar should be easy to adapt to a variety of classroom settings, (e) must have an alternative - web based or...
educational-origami - Starter Sheets
How Music Works
How Music Works
How Music Works is a comprehensive suite of multimedia tutorials which explain music in clear, simple language you can relate to.Packed with 115 topics in nine tutorials, and illustrated with 360 diagrams and 750 demonstration sounds, the tutorials start with the very basics of music and advance to topics which are valuable even for professional musicians.Whatever musical instrument or style you are interested in, these tutorials will be an essential source of information and guidance for years to come.
How Music Works
Vimeo Video School
Vimeo Video School
Vimeo Video School is a fun place for anyone to learn how to make better videos. It’s a one-stop-shop for Vimeo Lessons and user-made video tutorials about a variety of video-making topics.
Vimeo Video School
Tutorials and Courses - W3C
Tutorials and Courses - W3C
W3C groups often publish tutorials and online courses to help people learn about W3C technologies. We invite you to let us know about other tutorials at Note: Some of these resources have been produced outside W3C; W3C provides these
Tutorials and Courses - W3C
Teacher Training Videos Free on-line training in using technology in teaching
Teacher Training Videos Free on-line training in using technology in teaching
These videos were created for teachers to help them to incorporate technology into their teaching. Just click and a video will open and take you through how to use that technology. There is a special page of videos for students interested in multimedia,
Teacher Training Videos Free on-line training in using technology in teaching
7 Things You Should Know About... | EDUCAUSE
7 Things You Should Know About... | EDUCAUSE
The EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative's (ELI's) 7 Things You Should Know About... series provides concise information on emerging learning technologies and related practices. Each brief focuses on a single technology or practice and describes:What it isHow
7 Things You Should Know About... | EDUCAUSE
iMovie ‘09 Bootcamp
iMovie ‘09 Bootcamp
Here are the links for my latest iMovie workshop at the Los Angeles County Office of Education. These page will likely be updated at the end of day two of the workshop.In this workshop participants learn the basic and advanced features of iMovie ‘09 an
iMovie ‘09 Bootcamp