Found 101 bookmarks
Newest - Play and record musical greetings online and share them with family and friends! - Play and record musical greetings online and share them with family and friends!
KissTunes introduces a new and fun way to make your loved-ones smile (or smirk). With KissTunes you can use your computer's keyboard (QWERTY, the one you type with) to play a simple tune and record it in real time. You can save your recording online and l
·· - Play and record musical greetings online and share them with family and friends!
Google News Timeline
Google News Timeline
Google News Timeline is a web application that organizes search results chronologically. It allows users to view news and other data sources on a browsable, graphical timeline. Available data sources include recent and historical news, scanned newspapers
Google News Timeline
Indaba Music
Indaba Music
Indaba Music is an international community of musicians, music professionals, and fans exploring the creative possibilities of making music with people in different places.It makes finding other people, and working on recording, mixing, or mastering pro
Indaba Music
Teaching Copyright
Teaching Copyright
EFF's Teaching Copyright curriculum was created to help teachers present the laws surrounding digital rights in a balanced way.Teaching Copyright provides lessons and ideas for opening your classroom up to discussion, letting your students express their
Teaching Copyright
Rondo - MIDI for your Mac
Rondo - MIDI for your Mac
Rondo - the unique MIDI player for Mac OS X! Unlike other MIDI players Rondo has been designed to help you follow the music as it plays. Innovative features such as a vertical piano roll with horizontal live playing keyboard and visual track filtering hel
Rondo - MIDI for your Mac
t’s a Virtual keyboard that can simulate nine different instruments and can even play back chords. It’s a perfect companion for the SMART Board. The piano keyboard goes from ‘Middle C’ to ‘Upper F’ – one and a half octaves (18 different notes). The doubl
jam2jam is a new instrument for collaborative media performanceNetwork Jamming allows people to play music and do video remixing together over the internet. The project explores ways to enhance learning and community by designing interactive creative act
Open Hymnal Project - Free Public Domain Christian Hymns - Music Scores Home
Open Hymnal Project - Free Public Domain Christian Hymns - Music Scores Home
This web site is the home of the Open Hymnal Project to create a free, public domain, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual songs, and prelude/postlude music. I am doing my best to create a final product that is "Hymnal-quality", and could f
Open Hymnal Project - Free Public Domain Christian Hymns - Music Scores Home
GNU Solfege - free ear training software | Main / GNU Solfege - Smarten your ears
GNU Solfege - free ear training software | Main / GNU Solfege - Smarten your ears
Solfege is free music education software.Use it to train your rhythm, interval, scale and chord skills. Solfege - Smarten your ears!FeaturesRecognise melodic and harmonic intervalsCompare interval sizesSing the intervals the computer asks forIdentif
GNU Solfege - free ear training software | Main / GNU Solfege - Smarten your ears