The MIDI Basics page from TweakHeads Electronic Musicians Cafe. Has a good overview of MIDI, but also a sidebar to information on many other music technologies.
AppleScript is a simple Macintosh-only programming language that can control and automate actions on your Mac. AppleScripts written for iTunes can manage files and track information, create playlists, interact with other applications, and perform many oth
Education Projects :: Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH
The Education section of Steinberg music software, publishers of Cubase. Explains an educational initiative, also a link to their products aimed, or useful, for educators.
CUBASE.COM - Home of the independent and friendly Cubase forum
A website devoted to cubase computer-based digital audio recording software (ofr Mac or PC). Includes discussion boards, and in the FAQs section some basic overviews about music technology, and tutorials for cubase.
A website full of information on various music technology related subjects. This page contains reviews and information on various music technology, as well as a side bar linking to many websites recommended by Synthtopia.
The AppleScript Sourcebook was founded by Bill Cheeseman, a long-time member of the AppleScript community. It first went live on August 26, 1996. Before the transition to was completed, Bill updated all of the Tips and some of the Scripts
The Scout Report is the flagship publication of the Internet Scout Project. Published every Friday both on the web and by email, it provides a fast, convenient way to stay informed of valuable resources on the Internet.
This site provides resources for the professional development of practicing K-12 music educators in technology-based music instruction. We believe it will contribute to your awareness, knowledge, and positive attitudes toward using technology as a music e
The Research Center for Educational Technology (RCET) was founded in 1999 to provide a collegial network for university researchers and K-16 educators committed to studying the impact of technology on teaching and learning.
The primary goal of the ISTE NETS Project is to enable stakeholders in PreK-12 education to develop national standards for educational uses of technology that facilitate school improvement in the United States
Microsoft Education: Lesson plans, tutorials & education resources
Working closely with worldwide education communities, Microsoft has developed technology, tools, programs, and solutions to help address education challenges while improving teaching and learning opportunities.