Access the world’s biggest iOS ringtone and sound effects library. More than 15,000 sounds ready to download as ringtones for your iPhone or turn your iPad into a massive sound effects deck. From monkeys to mustangs with unlimited downloads!
Flubaroo is a free tool that helps you quickly grade multiple-choice or fill-in-blank assignments. I designed it for my own classroom, and want to share it with other teachers... for free! Flubaroo works with Google docs.
Instructional strategies determine the approach a teacher may take to achieve learning objectives. Five categories of instructional strategies and explanation of these five categories can be found within this site. Instructional methods are used by teachers to create learning environments and to specify the nature of the activity in which the teacher and learner will be involved during the lesson. While particular methods are often associated with certain strategies, some methods may by found within a variety of strategies. A sampling of instructional methods with accompanying explanations are...
The Library of Congress presents the National Jukebox, which makes historical sound recordings available to the public free of charge. The Jukebox includes recordings from the extraordinary collections of the Library of Congress Packard Campus for Audio Visual Conservation and other contributing libraries and archives.
Sonic Amigos specializes in software for the Macintosh and iPhone platforms. Formed in 1999, Sonic Amigos strives to provide the Macintosh and iPhone communities with compelling, useful, and fun software. Software includes PolyPhontics and PolyPhontics GB (GarageBand) that allow one to create software instruments. If you like to download MIDI files from the web and import them into GarageBand or Logic, PolyPhontics MIDI Utilities may be of use.
CAT is a free service of the Qualitative Data Analysis Program (QDAP), and hosted by the University Center for Social and Urban Research, at the University of Pittsburgh, and QDAP-UMass, in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Efficiently code raw text data sets; Annotate coding with shared memos; Manage team coding permissions via the Web; Create unlimited collaborator sub-accounts; Assign multiple coders to specific tasks; Easily measure inter-rater reliability; Adjudicate valid & invalid coder decisions; Report validity by dataset, code...
OpenTutorial is a place where you can find Tutorials about everything by anyone, a huge "How to" repository, an Open Source, Wiki tutorial site in the style of Wikipedia
Provided as part of the Smithsonian's rich resources on folk music, students can interact with a jazz band. They can choose from three songs representing different jazz styles and then raise and lower the volume of a particular instrument sound to hear it more accurately. If students select specific instruments, a window pops up with more information about that instrument's role in jazz ensembles. was created with the clear focus of helping musicians and music lover's break into the music industry. There are many music industry careers available to musicians that are just under the surface and might not be immediately known or seem accessible. Our aim is to expose those music careers and to get working experts in their fields teach you how to get into their industry. This is different than other courses that teach a skill. We don't focus on the skills so much as how to take your skills and ambitions and start a music career with them.
Music can be found in many careers in the world today. There are many professions that you can enter into with your love of music. Read about some of the careers that you might enjoy.
Timelinr is a simple web 2.0 application used for creating timelines online. You just need to enter the start year and end year of the timeline (range) and add events to the timeline and then click 'Create Timeline'. Timelinr will generate the Timeline based on the input you gave and it will return the HTML for your Timeline, which you can copy and use it anywhere!
Information Please has been providing authoritative answers to all kinds of factual questions since 1938—first as a popular radio quiz show, then starting in 1947 as an annual almanac, and since 1998 on the Internet. Many things have changed since 1938, but not our dedication to providing reliable information, in a way that engages and entertains. The site includes timelines of various eras of history, along with listing of events from many facets of life by year.
Whether you're a casual listener or a serious music student, here's the site for basic information about classical music. Created in cooperation with W.W. Norton & Company, it's built around Essential Classics, the series specially designed to introduce you to the best music of every period. All through the site you'll find almost 200 excerpts from Essential Classics. You'll also find: (a) Eras: Overviews of the six main periods in music history -- Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Twentieth Century, (b) Composers: Brief biographies of nearly 70 composers, which will...
Browse the Drummers - Pictures - Sounds - Videos, check out the DrumClinic-Section - free lessons from the best DVD's and more, watch the Videos - see the masters at work..., join the Discussion Forum - 33,000 members..., shop DVD's + Books, listen to the Sounds & Grooves - MP3's, watch or listen to the Drum Solos
The Percussive Arts Society offers students, teachers and professionals many valuable learning tools to succeed. PAS provides a number of print and online resources that can be used in lessons or that can be incorporated into your daily practice routine. You can start learning with PAS today with the following resources: Practice and Teaching Materials, HOTlicks, Rudiments, FUNdamentals, PASIC Session Handouts, Career Development, Other Online Resources, Education Videos, Online Research Journal, Compositions Research, Programs, and Composition and Festival Repertoire.
Tagxedo turns words -- famous speeches, news articles, slogans and themes, even your love letters -- into a visually stunning tag cloud, words individually sized appropriately to highlight the frequencies of occurrence within the body of text.
This is the site for the Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz. There are great resources for jazz lessons as well as lesson plans for grades 5, 8, and 11. Some of the resources available are timelines, style sheets for the different types of jazz, and a glossary of jazz terms. The style sheets are very detailed and helps to clarify the differences between similar styles.
How Music Works is a comprehensive suite of multimedia tutorials which explain music in clear, simple language you can relate to.Packed with 115 topics in nine tutorials, and illustrated with 360 diagrams and 750 demonstration sounds, the tutorials start with the very basics of music and advance to topics which are valuable even for professional musicians.Whatever musical instrument or style you are interested in, these tutorials will be an essential source of information and guidance for years to come.