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Gray Matters raises awareness of current brain research. The video series features presentations by leading neuroscientists and can be viewed in their entirety or as shorter clips for specific learning objectives in the classroom.
Brain Power - Series - The New York Times
Brain Power - Series - The New York Times
or all that scientists have studied it, the brain remains the most complex and mysterious human organ - and, now, the focus of billions of dollars' worth of research to penetrate its secrets. The Brain Power series looks in depth at some of the insights t
Brain Power - Series - The New York Times
Brain: The Inside Story | American Museum of Natural History
Brain: The Inside Story | American Museum of Natural History
The brain is quite flexible and resilient, and this online exhibit from the American Museum of Natural History explores both of these traits, along with looking at current research into how the brain works. This website offers a nice complement to the in situ exhibit, and visitors can make their way through five sections, including "Your Sensing Brain", "Your Emotional Brain", and "Your 21st Century Brain". Each of these sections includes short answers to crucial questions about the brain's functions and activities, such as "Why do memories exist?" In the "Videos" area, found on the right hand...
Brain: The Inside Story | American Museum of Natural History