Wikipedia: Sound/listThis is a list of full length copyleft/public domain songs available on Wikipedia or the Commons#mued#muedtech#music#education#recording#recordings#public#domain#free··Jan 23, 2007Wikipedia: Sound/list
Connexions - Sharing Knowledge and Building CommunitiesConnexions is: a place to view and share educational material made of small knowledge chunks called modules that can be organized as courses, books, reports, etc. Anyone may view or contribute.#mued#music#education#online#resources#web#muedtech#free#opensource··Mar 11, 2007Connexions - Sharing Knowledge and Building Communities
School Clip Art for Teachers and Kids - Free Clipart for Educational PurposesFree educational clipart. Capture the attention of your readers by using fun clipart and pictures on your worksheets, lesson plans, and quizzes.#muedtech#clipart#free#education#educational··Sep 18, 2007School Clip Art for Teachers and Kids - Free Clipart for Educational Purposes
Discovery School's Clip Art GalleryAdd graphics to your next project, whether it’s for home or school. Choose from hundreds of original clip art pieces, including animations!#muedtech#clipart#free#education#educational··Sep 18, 2007Discovery School's Clip Art Gallery