Plagiarism is a rapidly growing problem in many venues today. This needs to be addressed by all who are in the education field. This site may help you in your efforts towards these goals.
Reference: Dictionary, Encyclopedia, Thesauri, Usage, Quotations, and more. combines the best of both contemporary and classic reference works into the most comprehensive public reference library ever published on the web.
ABDSG is A Free, Monthly E-mail Newsletter. As a subscriber, you'll receive once a month (or a little more often) a succinct article devoted to practical strategies for successfully completing your doctoral dissertation
With a detailed look at grammar, style, diction, word formation, gender, social groups and scientific forms, this valuable reference work is ideal for students, writers, academicians and anybody concerned about proper writing style.
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Self-awareness, savvy strategies and practical skills make the difference between tenure and failure. Even small changes may produce big effects over time. I hope that some of the tips and tactics on these pages will move you closer to your goals.