The Concord Band - Program NotesBrief program notes for many compositions in the standard band repertoire.#instrumental#music#education#program#notes#band#national#standard#standards#ns2#ns6··Sep 14, 2006The Concord Band - Program Notes
Resources for Wind Band ConductorsThis website contains an annotated list of links to other websites related to wind band conducting and repertoire.#ns2#repertoire#education#music#comprehensive#musicianship#national#standard#standards#program#notes#biographies#biography#instrumental#ensembles#ensemble#history#military#composers··Oct 2, 2006Resources for Wind Band Conductors
Program Notes WikiProgram Notes is a free, volunteer-powered, collaborative database for program notes. Anyone is welcome to contribute or use the program notes found here for any purpose.#mued#sigmt#bw2010#program#notes#wiki#ns1#ns2#concerts#band#choir#orchestra··Jul 3, 2010Program Notes Wiki