The United States Air Force Band | Washington, D.C.
Website of the US Air Force Band, the Air Force's premier musical organization. It has endeared itself to millions of listeners for more than 60 years through its exhilarating concerts and recordings.
Website that includes links and resources to concert band literature. Also includes some analyses as well as a list of repertiore useful in meeting national standards.
MENC: The National Association for Music Education
Website for MENC. Includes information on national standards, discusion boards, information onf the association, publications, and many other resources.
Karen Garrett was named teacher of the year by TI:ME and she has created an amazing resource on how to encorporate MIDI technology into the classroom. She has been director of instrumental music at Central Park School in Birmingham, AL since 1992, and in is the Canadian National Arts Centre's web site dedicated to arts education for young people. Visitors to can hear the wonderful sounds of Canada's National Artts Centre Orchestra, "try out" instruments themselves, and perhaps answer the age old question, "What's the difference between a violin and a viola?"