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Indaba Music
Indaba Music
Indaba Music is an international community of musicians, music professionals, and fans exploring the creative possibilities of making music with people in different places.It makes finding other people, and working on recording, mixing, or mastering pro
Indaba Music
Google News Timeline
Google News Timeline
Google News Timeline is a web application that organizes search results chronologically. It allows users to view news and other data sources on a browsable, graphical timeline. Available data sources include recent and historical news, scanned newspapers
Google News Timeline
jam2jam - Collaborative and Generative Music Improvisation Software
jam2jam - Collaborative and Generative Music Improvisation Software
jam2jam is an application that generates music that you can control while it plays. Even better, you can connect via a network with your friends who have jam2jam to jointly control the music. Jam just like a band, but without the need for complex instrume
jam2jam - Collaborative and Generative Music Improvisation Software - Play and record musical greetings online and share them with family and friends! - Play and record musical greetings online and share them with family and friends!
KissTunes introduces a new and fun way to make your loved-ones smile (or smirk). With KissTunes you can use your computer's keyboard (QWERTY, the one you type with) to play a simple tune and record it in real time. You can save your recording online and l
·· - Play and record musical greetings online and share them with family and friends!
YouTube in Music Education
YouTube in Music Education
This website has been set up specifically for YouTube in Music Education by Thomas Rudolph and James Frankel; published by Hal Leonard. It is meant to serve as an extension for the book. Additionally, there are links to some of the videos mentioned in t
YouTube in Music Education
Orpheus in the Cyberworld: Strategies & Implementation of Web-based Electronic Learning for Music Ensembles & Classes
Orpheus in the Cyberworld: Strategies & Implementation of Web-based Electronic Learning for Music Ensembles & Classes
This overview stems from "real life" experience and reflection over the past seven years in using electronic learning, with choral ensembles at the university level, and from working with choral directors and public school teachers/students around the cou
Orpheus in the Cyberworld: Strategies & Implementation of Web-based Electronic Learning for Music Ensembles & Classes
Royalty Free Music
Royalty Free Music
Who says you can't get something for nothing? offers a variety of FREE high-quality royalty free items, including royalty free stock footage, royalty free sound effects, royalty free clip art, royalty free images, royalty free photos,
Royalty Free Music
iPad Music Education Project
iPad Music Education Project
The iPMEP has the following goals:-Facilitate theory and ear training-Teach basic piano skills-Replace paper worksheets and tests-Replace paper octavos (with public domain music or permission from publishers)-Use cloud technology to make student
iPad Music Education Project