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The Instrumentalist
The Instrumentalist
Website of The Instrumentalist magazine, offering valuable information for school band and orchestra directors and instrumental music teachers. Also links to Clavier and Flute Talk.
The Instrumentalist
Wind Ensemble Repertoire
Wind Ensemble Repertoire
This site has been designed as a resource site for all music educators. The information gathered for this web site as well as the construction of the site itself serves as a partial fulfillment of the degree requirements for the Doctorate in Musical Arts
Wind Ensemble Repertoire
The Community-Music e-mail list
The Community-Music e-mail list
Since 1995, the Community-Music email list has provided a means for people across the world to discuss their passion for making music in a (primarily) volunteer concert/wind band or orchestra. Since 1999, the list has been in place on what is now Yahoo!Gr
The Community-Music e-mail list
Music Education Madness Site
Music Education Madness Site
We're the gathering place for music educators of all levels of expertise. With all the avenues open up to us, it's only natural that we want to share what has worked for us. Whether you teach elementary music, band, choir, orchestra, preschool music, give
Music Education Madness Site