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GarageBand 2 Essential Training - Online Training Library ™
GarageBand 2 Essential Training - Online Training Library ™
This series of movies starts by taking you through the basics of using the GarageBand interface, and then shows you how to work with Apple Loops, Software Instruments, and Real Instruments.
GarageBand 2 Essential Training - Online Training Library ™
The Maine Music Box
The Maine Music Box
Over 22,000 pieces of sheet music (songs and instrumental works), contributed primarily by the Bagaduce Music Lending Library and the Bangor Public Library, and dating from the late nineteenth century to the late twentieth century, have been scanned as se
The Maine Music Box
How Music Works
How Music Works
How Music Works is a comprehensive suite of multimedia tutorials which explain music in clear, simple language you can relate to.Packed with 115 topics in nine tutorials, and illustrated with 360 diagrams and 750 demonstration sounds, the tutorials start with the very basics of music and advance to topics which are valuable even for professional musicians.Whatever musical instrument or style you are interested in, these tutorials will be an essential source of information and guidance for years to come.
How Music Works