This is an index, ordered by composer of the program notes and biographies generated for use in programs for performances of the Foothill College Symphonic Wind Ensemble.
The mission of the National Flute Association is to promote the flute including by: upholding an increasingly higher standard of artistic excellence for the flute, its performers, and its literature.
Welcome to IDRS International Double Reed Society: The worldwide organization of double reed (oboe and bassoon family) players, instrument manufacturers and enthusiasts.
Not many people go around wishing to be the Stradivarius of the hurdy-gurdy, but this website’s instructional materials might just make this dream a reality for some lucky individual. The staff at have brought together a set of resources
This Flash applet simulates the motion of a vibrating string. The end of the string can be moved using the mouse or driven by an oscillator to set up traveling or standing waves.
International: Where we are. The International Clarinet Association has members virtually everywhere in the world. Clarinet: What we play. One of the finest instruments anywhere, with a significant repertoire.
Originally, this FAQ was designed to handle questions that cropped up frequently on what used to be the IHS' Horn e-mail list. Nowadays, it is just the Horn mailing list, as membership is open to any and all.
Welcome to ITEA Online, website of the International Tuba-Euphonium Association. ITEA is dedicated to promoting and advancing the tuba and euphonium instruments. The organization comprises performers, educators, students, and amateurs of all backgrounds.
Website of The Instrumentalist magazine, offering valuable information for school band and orchestra directors and instrumental music teachers. Also links to Clavier and Flute Talk.
Website that includes links and resources to concert band literature. Also includes some analyses as well as a list of repertiore useful in meeting national standards.
This site has been designed as a resource site for all music educators. The information gathered for this web site as well as the construction of the site itself serves as a partial fulfillment of the degree requirements for the Doctorate in Musical Arts
The Young Band Repertoire Project (YBRP) is a continuing endeavor to document, evaluate, analyze, list, record, and provide information regarding repertoire for the young band (2nd & 3rd year players).
Supporting Music Advocacy, Playing And Making Music, Music Education Research
AMC's goal is to build credibility for music and music education, especially at an early age, and to expand that portion of the population that enjoys and makes its own music.
ARTSEDGE — the National Arts and Education Network — supports the placement of the arts at the center of the curriculum and advocates creative use of technology to enhance the K-12 educational experience.
Since 1995, the Community-Music email list has provided a means for people across the world to discuss their passion for making music in a (primarily) volunteer concert/wind band or orchestra. Since 1999, the list has been in place on what is now Yahoo!Gr