Folk and Traditional Music and Popular Songs, with Lyrics, Midi, Tune Information and History behind the folksongs and ballads. Irish, British and American Folk Music
This site recognizes and honors the lives of those persons who create the songs heard and enjoyed on recordings, in concerts, in movies and on radio, television and the Internet, in our country and around the world.
This site is designed to serve as a resource to those who are using the WebQuest model to teach with the web. By pointing to excellent examples and collecting materials developed to communicate the idea, all of us experimenting with WebQuests will be able
Roots of Rhythm - Teacher's Guide and 10 Lessons for 5th and 6th Grade is an innovative educational resource that combines music with history, social studies, geography and language arts to create an exciting, multi-dimensional, "cross-curricular" model.
African-American Band Music and Recordings (The Library of Congress Presents: Music, Theater and Dance)
The core of this presentation consists of “stock” arrangements for bands or small orchestras of popular songs written by African Americans. In addition, a smaller selection of historic sound recordings illustrating these songs and others are available