This site provides tutorials on how sound works and allows one to experiment with "strings" of different lengths and widths. these can be combined to create a song.
OSWINS DVD is a collection of Free and Open Source software for educational use that run on Windows. The educational software varies from mathematics to music, from science to graphics, from programming to educational gamesi and includes office tools, b
Under the Copyright Act, there is nothing more intriguing and exciting for educators than Fair Use. Fair Use is the concept that if you are doing something for the greater good of society, like teaching, then your needs supersede the ownership rights of t
IMSLP/Petrucci Music Library: Free Public Domain Sheet Music
Welcome to the Petrucci Music Library! Our goal is to create a virtual library containing all public domain music scores, as well as scores from composers who are willing to share their music with the world without charge.The Petrucci Music Library also
Welcome to Vic Firth's Drum Rudiment page! Included in this section of the website are all 40 of The Percussive Arts Society's Essential Snare Drum Rudiments, along with videos of each rudiment being performed by Dr. John Wooton, audio play-along files, e
Elementary Concepts in Statistics (Electronic Textbook)
This Electronic Statistics Textbook offers training in the understanding and application of statistics. The material was developed at the StatSoft R&D department based on many years of teaching undergraduate and graduate statistics courses and covers a wi
BibMe is your one-stop source for all your bibliography needs! Don't remember all the information for the source you cited? No problem! BibMe allows you to search from a database of millions of entries to find your source and AutoFill in the information.
believes that all children in our public schools deserve music education. Music education is a transforming force in children's lives. This is why we are dedicated to bringing free musical instruments and music instruction to public school children. At Li
The Ohio Digital Resource Commons is a network of centrally hosted repositories that enables institutions to save, discover and share, free of charge, the instructional, research, historic and creative materials produced by the University System of Ohio a
ccMixter is a community music site featuring remixes licensed under Creative Commons where you can listen to, sample, mash-up, or interact with music in whatever way you want.Remixers If you’re into sampling, remixing and mash-ups grab the sample packs
The Library's Music and the Brain events offer lectures, conversations and symposia about the explosion of new research at the intersection of cognitive neuroscience and music. Project chair Kay Redfield Jamison convenes scientists and scholars, composers
Exploring the Digital Vaults is easy. You can browse through the hundreds of photographs, documents, and film clips and discover the connection between some of the National Archives' most treasured records. - Gateway to best websites for Band Students & Directors was created by a band director specifically for band students and directors. It features only the most informative, straightforward and useful websites pertaining to instrumental music. All sites have been carefully selected to exclude of
The Teachers Guide to Music, Media & Copyright Law
This website has been set up specifically for the Teachers Guide to Music, Media & Copyright Law by Dr. James Frankel and published by Hal Leonard. It is meant to serve as an extension for the book, especially because copyright law is changing all the ti
Challenge Based Learning applies what is known about the emerging learning styles of high school students and leverages the powerful new technologies that provide new opportunities to learn to provide an authentic learning process that challenges students
This site contains full score analyses, teacher and student guides, and webquests for band, choral, orchestral, and elementary/secondary general music classes.
To ensure the future of music education in Ohio, The Ohio Foundation for Music Education was formed in support of the efforts of the Ohio Music Education Association and to assist the needs of Ohio’s 2 million school children.
Instrumental music education topics of interest to stimulate motivate and inspire.It is the mission of Conn-Selmer, Inc. to provide an educational center, ongoing reference source, and support network for the professional growth of music educators. Comm
Open Hymnal Project - Free Public Domain Christian Hymns - Music Scores Home
This web site is the home of the Open Hymnal Project to create a free, public domain, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual songs, and prelude/postlude music. I am doing my best to create a final product that is "Hymnal-quality", and could f
Musical Perspectives - Perspectives and Research in Music Performance
Music performance is not so narrowly defined as to be simply a concert or a recital. It is an experience, encompassing teaching and learning, analysis and critique, and the combined experiences of those who interact in diverse ways with the processes and
The principal purpose in writing these essays is to make available to the reader a much broader understanding of the practice of music in earlier societies than that which is provided in traditional music history texts. Dr. David Whitwell's publications
A collection of hundreds of live concert recordings from the legendary concert promoter Bill Graham. They're free to listen to, and very inexpensive to buy and download