Website of Kjos Music Publishing Company, major publishers of music for all levels and ensembles, including the Standards of Excellence method book series.
Masters Music Publications is proud to offer one of the finest catalogs of music for concert bands and symphonic wind ensemble available. The classic repertoire represented in this catalog - both original works and professional orchestrations - include wo
Welcome to the Meredith Music Publications on-line catalog. Our materials, written by internationally renown composers and authors including Frank Battisti, Warren Benson, Anthony J. Cirone, Elliot Del Borgo, Robert Garofalo, Robert Jager, Edward Lisk, Ja
We focus on you—so you can focus on the music. MMB Music is one of the world's preeminent concert music publishers, specializing in contemporary American music.
Welcome to one of the most extensive sheet music and music accessories catalogs in the world!To make your shopping experience more enjoyable, we ask that you narrow your search to one department, then one medium, then one type and, optionally, one grade
Southern Music Company - sheet music, books, and more for over 60 years.
Southern Music Company publishes music of many well-known composers and is a distributor of music for over 500 publishers from around the world. We hope that you will find Southern Music Company Online to be a useful resource.
Let the Stanton's "Sheet Music Specialists" assist you with all of your print music needs; from Chopin to chromatic harmonica, Tchaikovsky to techno, Bach to balalaika, Ellington to electric guitar.
The year 2000 marks the three-hundredth anniversary of the invention of the piano. The Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History -- in collaboration with other institutions and organizations -- presents a large-scale project called PIA
The APA Wizard is designed to help you create an APA (5th ed.) citation. It will take you through the steps for the most common types of cited works providing you with assistance on how to input specific information. As long as you enter the information
ARTscape is a powerful new intellectual tool that uses PEM’s objects as a launching point for a user’s self-guided journey through art and culture. Data in ARTscape includes photos and descriptions of objects in PEM’s collection, definitions, book e
Frank Loesser - Award Winning Broadway Musical Composer, Director and Playwright
Frank Loesser was able to use his remarkable songwriting talents to create such classic Tin Pin Alley songs as “Once in Love with Amy”, “Standing on the Corner”, and of course, “Luck Be a Lady Tonight”. His career spanned four decades, and he
Americans for the Arts is the nation's leading nonprofit organization for advancing the arts in America. With 45 years of service, we are dedicated to representing and serving local communities and creating opportunities for every American to participate
Expanding the role of music and the arts in education, heightening the public's appreciation of the value of music and arts education, and creating a positive environment for the arts through societal change .
The Arts Education Partnership (form erly known as the Goals 2000 Art sE du c a ti on Pa rtn ership) is a private, non profit coalition of more than100 national education, arts, business, philanthropic and governmen torganizations that demonstrate a
The Arts Education Partnership (AEP) is a national coalition of arts, education, business, philanthropic and government organizations that demonstrate and promote the essential role of the arts in the learning and development of every child and in the imp
In its 1997 report, Priorities for Arts Education Research, the Arts Education Partnership’s Task Force on Research recommended the creation of this Compendium. Critical Links: Learning in the Arts and Student Academic and Social Development is the
Welcome to, the website of Music in Schools Today (MuST)! We hope you will find anything you need related to music education -- interviews with young artists, music mentors to answer questions, contests and all kinds of resources to help st
OAAE was founded in 1974 and has established and maintains a network for communication, cooperation, and advocacy. OAAE has 22 organization members representing parents, educators, administrators, citizens, artists, and arts advocates. Individual members