Much of the content posted initially to this wiki was ported over from the former Home Practice Online website. HPO was created in 1998 as a resource for young instrumentalists and their directors. HPO was used by many band directors, and was featured in numerous music education articles, texts, and at conferences and university music education technology classes, all over the United States. With the advent of Web 2.0, and its ease-of-use, perhaps this wiki can expand the scope, content, and usefulness of HPO.
Music and the Bassoon includes:(1) Over 360 tunes to play, including folk tunes, popular songs, classical music, technical exercises, and “play by ear” assignments for beginners through professional players. (2) Many audio clips so you can hear professional bassoon playing on the tunes you are studying, and get a good sound in your head for which you can strive. (3) Many instructional videos that will help you see and hear how to play bassoon well. (4) Over 50 duets or canons where you can play in harmony with the audio clip.
These resources examine copyright law in the history of “borrowing” sounds in music, and raise provocative questions about what is creative and what is criminal. These lessons are directed toward grades 9 through 12, and college students for use in the following subject areas: media studies, media literacy, social studies, history, sociology, media production, music and language arts, business, and legal studies.
iBuildApp :: Create Free iPhone and iPad Applications Using an Online Interface Builder|
BuildApp is online service that provides simple and inexpensive way to build, test, track and update a native iOS application that support text, rss feeds, images, audio, and video, and much, much more. Create a free application for your company, department, college or friends within minutes!
Sonic Amigos specializes in software for the Macintosh and iPhone platforms. Formed in 1999, Sonic Amigos strives to provide the Macintosh and iPhone communities with compelling, useful, and fun software. Software includes PolyPhontics and PolyPhontics GB (GarageBand) that allow one to create software instruments. If you like to download MIDI files from the web and import them into GarageBand or Logic, PolyPhontics MIDI Utilities may be of use.
The Library of Congress presents the National Jukebox, which makes historical sound recordings available to the public free of charge. The Jukebox includes recordings from the extraordinary collections of the Library of Congress Packard Campus for Audio Visual Conservation and other contributing libraries and archives.
Flubaroo is a free tool that helps you quickly grade multiple-choice or fill-in-blank assignments. I designed it for my own classroom, and want to share it with other teachers... for free! Flubaroo works with Google docs.
Access the world’s biggest iOS ringtone and sound effects library. More than 15,000 sounds ready to download as ringtones for your iPhone or turn your iPad into a massive sound effects deck. From monkeys to mustangs with unlimited downloads!
The Interactive Circle of Fifths ("the Circle" for short) is a tool designed to help musicians to: (a) figure out the key of a piece of music, (b) easily transpose music to a different key, (c) compose new music, and (d) understand key signatures, scales, and modes.
Glogster – Poster Yourself | Text, Images, Music and Video
Glogster is a revolutionary way of expressing your moods, feelings, and ideas, and it goes miles beyond text or video! Creating a Glog lets you express all those things you haven’t been able to describe in words. It opens the door to a whole new world of communication – just choose a background, throw in some shapes and characters from our galleries, add text, your own videos or photos, and perhaps a pinch of music, and there it is! In just a few minutes, you can make a digital poster, a colorful medley of ideas reflecting your own special style.
Technology Explained - ABC Technology and Games (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
The ABC Technology Explained initiative aims to dispel the myths around new technologies and devices, and explore the kinds of journeys and possibilities they can and will take us on in an ever-changing, technology driven world.
The International Honorary for Professions in Technology, Epsilon Pi Tau, sponsors the JOTS so that it can provide an "open forum for the exchang of relevant ideas in the field of Technology Studies. The online version has all the text and graphics published in the paper version.
The National Coalition for Core Arts Standards is a newly formed partnership of organizations and states who will lead the revision of the 1994 National Standards for Arts Education. The National Coalition for Core Arts Standards (NCCAS) plans to complete its work and release new, national voluntary arts education standards in fall, 2012. The standards will describe what students should know and be able to do as a result of a quality curricular arts education program. NCCAS is committed to developing a next generation of voluntary arts education standards that will build on the foundation...
Ear Training On The Run is a series of audio courses designed to teach musicians and aspiring musicians to identify, solely by hearing, intervals, chords, rhythms and other basic elements of music is the Canadian National Arts Centre's web site dedicated to arts education for young people. Visitors to can hear the wonderful sounds of Canada's National Artts Centre Orchestra, "try out" instruments themselves, and perhaps answer the age old question, "What's the difference between a violin and a viola?"
Warren McCullough's Web Stuff - ICT Supporting the Curriculum
Links to all sorts of resources for schools, particularly related to the use of technology in K-12 schools.These pages are designed to support innovative teachers who are integrating ICT in the curriculum. is the nation’s one-stop shop for research, policy, and advocacy information on arts learning—a dynamic resource that will capture the growing body of research evidence about the benefits of arts learning both in and out of school. Includes 200 + high quality studies.
Soundation Studio has all the functionality of a professional desktop DAW including real time effects, virtual instruments, automation, recording and much more! And best of all - It’s online, accessible through your browser. : Mondial de la Partition Gratuite (Partitions Gratuites PDF, MIDI et MP3)
For the past 10 years feature PDF free sheet music, Mp3 audio, Midi and other services.Free-scores is a free broadcast and media hosting for composers, arrangers and publishers. It linking contact between musicians and monitoring the audience of your musical works. Interpreters record and add their interpretations on the site. We also feature a directory of free sheet music sites. You are asked to always respect the rights of use of these scores (possible copyright or licensing).