This section of my site contains MIDI files, which I have sequenced, of ragtime piano pieces by :Scott Joplin, James Scott, Joseph Lamb, Jelly-Roll Morton, Eubie Blake, and others.
This is a community music site featuring remixes licensed under Creative Commons, where you can listen to, sample, mash-up, or interact with music in whatever way you want.
Journal of Music Technology and Education - Journals - Intellect
Journal of Music, Technology and Education is the only journal specifically dedicated to the educational aspects of music technology and the technological aspects of music.
This rather useful Excel tutorial is is divided into eight sections, which include “Entering and Editing Data”, “Formatting the Worksheet”, and “Creating a Chart”.
Photojojo » How to Make Stop-Motion Video Shorts with Your Digital Camera
Stop-motion animation is one of the simplest, most fun animation techniques.Mix equal parts digital camera, computer, and imagination (you've got all three), and you're on your way.
ATMac - Assistive Technology for Mac OS X, iPod, iPhone and Apple Users
ATMac covers all Apple products with a slant towards disability. We have an interest in users with a disability, adaptive and assistive technology, and making accessible programs and content.
On this website you will find 30 free interdisciplinary lesson plans that utilize multimedia, music, and technology to aid in the instruction of Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science at the middle school level. Included with each lesson plan are all of
Music Creativity Through Technology is dedicated to music educators working with the "Other 80%" of students in our schools who do not participate in the traditional performing ensembles and music classes. With the latest tools in music technology, these
The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) illustrates how teachers can use technology to enhance learning for K-12 students. The TIM incorporates five interdependent characteristics of meaningful learning environments: active, constructive, goal directed (i.e., reflective), authentic, and collaborative (Jonassen, Howland, Moore, & Marra, 2003). The TIM associates five levels of technology integration (i.e., entry, adoption, adaptation, infusion, and transformation) with each of the five characteristics of meaningful learning environments. Together, the five levels of technology integration and...