Tuneblocks is an innovative group of musicians and computer software designers whose mission is to build computer-based and hands-on products that will help you develop your creative intuitions while having fun with music.
Webmaster Resources: free web graphics, HTML and CSS tutorials
BoogieJack.com is primarily a webmaster resource site featuring HTML tutorials, CSS tutorials, web graphics and very cool products you won't find elsewhere.
Mp3realm is a search engine designed to search the web for audio in mp3 formats. It can search for title, album, artist, or genre. It also has an index of lyrics which allow you to sing along with the songs or look at the lyrics.
Historical music for educational use that our research indicates is copyright free. Also, links to Historical music for educational use that is freely available on the Web.
HighC is a graphical music creation tool. It is a synthesizer, a sequencer and a mixer. Its goal is to make music composition as simple and direct as sketching.
Mixcraft 4 - Affordable multi-track audio and MIDI recording software.
Mixcraft 4 is an affordable multi-track audio and MIDI recording studio that enables you to compose original music, record your band, create a podcast, or remix a song. Use it as a multi-track recorder or as a music loop remix program
Internet 101 was created for those who want to know just the basics. This guide will provide you with enough knowledge to have fun on the Internet, yet will not bore you with too many details. Internet 101 was created for those who want to know just the
MuseScore | Free music composition & notation software
MuseScore is a free cross platform WYSIWYG music notation program, licenced under GNU GPL. Some highlights include (a) WYSIWYG, notes are entered on a "virtual note sheet," (b) Unlimited number of staves, (c) Up to four voices per staff, (d) Easy and fas
Toy Symphony is an international music performance and education project led by composer and inventorTod Machover at the MIT Media Lab and Media Lab Europe. It strives primarily to introduce children to the creative music-making process in bold, new ways
Scratch is a new programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art -- and share your creations on the web.Scratch is designed to help young people (ages 8 and up) develop 21st century learni
This site provides tutorials on how sound works and allows one to experiment with "strings" of different lengths and widths. these can be combined to create a song.
OSWINS DVD is a collection of Free and Open Source software for educational use that run on Windows. The educational software varies from mathematics to music, from science to graphics, from programming to educational gamesi and includes office tools, b
Under the Copyright Act, there is nothing more intriguing and exciting for educators than Fair Use. Fair Use is the concept that if you are doing something for the greater good of society, like teaching, then your needs supersede the ownership rights of t
believes that all children in our public schools deserve music education. Music education is a transforming force in children's lives. This is why we are dedicated to bringing free musical instruments and music instruction to public school children. At Li
ccMixter is a community music site featuring remixes licensed under Creative Commons where you can listen to, sample, mash-up, or interact with music in whatever way you want.Remixers If you’re into sampling, remixing and mash-ups grab the sample packs
The Teachers Guide to Music, Media & Copyright Law
This website has been set up specifically for the Teachers Guide to Music, Media & Copyright Law by Dr. James Frankel and published by Hal Leonard. It is meant to serve as an extension for the book, especially because copyright law is changing all the ti