Apple - Education - GarageBand in the Classroom

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Apple - Education - GarageBand in the classroom: Lesson Plans
Lessons plans for implementing GarageBand in the classroom.
Apple - Support - GarageBand - Hot Tips
Tips for efficiently using GarageBand.
Mac Music Community - Free your iPod - Start a Revolution MacIDOL
Welcome to Macidol. The easiest place to host your music for the world to hear. This is music of a different value. - Share Your Music with the World
MacBand is an online directory of songs and loops made by artists using Apple Computer's GarageBand software.
The GarageDoor | All Things GarageBand
Advice, news, tutorials, and other resources for use with GarageBand. Apple Training Series
Amazon's retail page for Apple's training series for GarageBand.
GarageBand 2 - Atomic Learning, Inc.
Various video tutorials for using Garage Band.
GarageBand 2 for Mac OS X: Visual QuickStart Guide
Peachpit's publisher webpage for their GarageBand tutorial book.
O'Reilly Network -- GarageBand for the Musical Newbie
Tutorials and advice for using GarageBand including links and listings of published tutorials. -- Online Catalog: GarageBand 2: The Missing Manual
O'Reilly's publisher website for their published GarageBand tutorial text.
GarageBand 2 Essential Training - Online Training Library ™
This series of movies starts by taking you through the basics of using the GarageBand interface, and then shows you how to work with Apple Loops, Software Instruments, and Real Instruments.
Macintosh iLife 06
Peachpit's tutorial text for iLife software suite. -- GarageBand Missing CD-ROM
The CD-Rom companion to O'Reilly's tutorial text for GarageBand.
GarageBand - VersionTracker
Updates, loops, and plug-ins for GarageBand.
Jim Heid's Mac iLife 06 Site
This site is the online companion to my book, The Macintosh iLife '06, published by Peachpit Press and Avondale Media.
HairerSoft - Amadeus II
Amadeus II is a very powerful sound editor for Macintosh. It runs on MacOS 9.2 and up, as well as natively on MacOS X.
MIDI Guide
A comprehensive overview of MIDI music hardware language.
Listing of Scanned Piano Rolls
Thousands of MIDI files from piano rolls.
Warren Trachtman's Ragtime MIDI Website
This section of my site contains MIDI files, which I have sequenced, of ragtime piano pieces by :Scott Joplin, James Scott, Joseph Lamb, Jelly-Roll Morton, Eubie Blake, and others.
The Center for Music Learning: LIPs
Live Illustrations by Professionals (LIPS) is designed to afford young musicians a close-up view of artists' embouchures in action. Each LIPs video page includes a discussion with the artist about the essential fundamentals of the instrument.
The Center for Music Learning
The purpose of the Center for Music Learning is to investigate the processes of human skill development, integrating the results of systematic research from multiple disciplines with best practices in music and music pedagogy.
Center for Music Learning: Disabilities
General information about organizations and agencies that offer services and support for persons with disabilities. Information for 19 different disabilities and syndromes aligned with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act.
The Center for Music Learning: The Nature of Expertise
The Nature of Expertise: 19 Principles of Effective Instruction Demonstrated by Three Distinguished Artist-Teachers in Music.
Scribe 4 is an optimally flexible data analysis program that permits users to label events in live observations or in QuickTime movies, summarize event timings, and play back labeled events in customized configurations.
ccMixter Welcome to ccMixter
This is a community music site featuring remixes licensed under Creative Commons, where you can listen to, sample, mash-up, or interact with music in whatever way you want.
Ohio Citizens for the Arts
A Statewide non-profit grass-roots membership organization working to increase public support for the arts in Ohio.
Met Archives - the Metropolitan Opera
Sounds, images and text illuminate the sweep of Met History from the formation of the company in 1880, the first performances in 1883, through to the conclusion of the 2003-04 season.
ChordFind.Com - Guitar Chord Finder
Users can enter any chord and get a visual representation of how to play the chord on a virtual fretboard.
Free method books, fingering charts, scale sheets, band music, solo and ensemble music, flash cards, clip art, and an easy to use website creator.