Folk and Traditional Music and Popular Songs, with Lyrics, Midi, Tune Information and History behind the folksongs and ballads. Irish, British and American Folk Music
Listen To Your Buds is a consumer awareness campaign by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association about the potential risk of hearing loss from unsafe usage of personal audio technology.
Musical Performance - Advances in Cognitive Psychology
Advances in Cognitive Psychology is a web-based journal devoted to the scientific study of the human mind. This issue (November, 2006) is dedicated to music performance.
UCB Libraries | Music Library | Digital Sheet Music Collection
University of Colorado at Boulder Music Library web site provides access to digital versions of some of the categories of sheet music within their physical collection originally published between 1890 and 1922.
wikiHow - The How-To Manual That Anyone Can Write or Edit
wikiHow is a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest how-to manual. With your contributions, we can create a free resource that helps people by offering clear, concise solutions to the problems of everyday life.
This is the web site for the book "This is Your Brain on Music" by Daniel J. Levitin. It includes a number of interactive features including musical examples, a discussion board, an interactive brain, and a media archive.
This is W3C's home page for the HTML Activity. Here you will find pointers to our specifications for HTML/XHTML, guidelines on how to use HTML/XHTML to the best effect, and pointers to related work at W3C.
This digital collection presents moving image footage recorded in 1976, when Suzuki spent two weeks at the American Suzuki Institute, giving lectures and demonstrations, as well as teaching both master classes and group classes.
Edutopia, a web site of the George Lucas Educational Foundation, has a number of articles related to assessment. Includes articles, research, video clips, and resources.
Although no longer kept up-to-date, this web site for the Eric Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation still provides useful information on assessment, evaluation, and research methodology.
The Test Collection at ETS is a library of more than 25,000 tests and other measurement devices that makes information on standardized tests and research instruments available to researchers, graduate students, and teachers.
Audacity is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds. It is available for Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, and other operating systems
The Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC) is a non-profit organization for researchers and others interested in music perception and cognition.
eMedia produces high-quality multimedia music instruction software. Its titles include Guitar Method Vol. 1, Intermediate Guitar Method, Bass Method, Guitar Songs, Blues Guitar Legends, and, Piano and Keyboard Method
TAMS stands for Text Analysis Markup System. It is a convention for identifying themes in texts (web pages, interviews, field notes). It was designed for use in ethnographic and discourse research.