MUE 3330: Music in Secondary Schools

Timeline JS Intro Tutorial
Timeline JS Intro Tutorial
A quick tutorial on how to create a media rich timeline using Timeline JS by Knight Lab (
Timeline JS Intro Tutorial
Informal Music Pedagogy: A Video Series – The Association for Popular Music Education
Informal Music Pedagogy: A Video Series – The Association for Popular Music Education
When working in classroom settings, often we may understand the learning of music as a formal process as it is embedded in institutions. But we know that many popular musicians develop their skills and knowledge outside of those institutions. How then, could we bridge the common practices of popular musicians within the more “formal” settings...
Informal Music Pedagogy: A Video Series – The Association for Popular Music Education
The Bucket Book is a resource for K-12 music teachers who want to teach bucket drumming to their students.
Guitar: The Blues — shedthemusic
Guitar: The Blues — shedthemusic
The Blues has been the greatest force in the direction of popular music for the last 100+ years. The way in which guitar is played in a band with solos, rhythm playing, and lyrical inflection (bending, sliding, hammer ons and pull offs) all come from the blues. Studying the blues is one of the most
Guitar: The Blues — shedthemusic
Decoding the Teenage Brain (in 3 Charts)
Decoding the Teenage Brain (in 3 Charts)
New technologies are shedding light on what really makes adolescents tick—and providing clues on how we might reach them better.
Decoding the Teenage Brain (in 3 Charts)
Body Percussion, The Digital Way, Part 1 | Midnight Music
Body Percussion, The Digital Way, Part 1 | Midnight Music
This is a guest post written by Elisabeth (Lisi) Bottoms. Why teach body percussion?Body percussion is found in almost every musical culture - from the Austrian/Bavarian Schuhplattler to Palmas
Body Percussion, The Digital Way, Part 1 | Midnight Music
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The home of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). FInd more information on PBIS, how to implement PBIS, get resources and materials, and how to get support. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) and the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE), the Technical Assistance Center on PBIS supports schools, districts, and states to build systems capacity for implementing a multi-tiered approach to social, emotional and behavior support. The broad purpose of PBIS is to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and equity of...
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Using Small Instruments, Body Percussion, and Other Resources to Teach Rhythm
Using Small Instruments, Body Percussion, and Other Resources to Teach Rhythm
Many music teachers are sharing plans to add more rhythm lessons to their curriculum this fall since these exercises can be conducted in all sorts of scenarios. Students can practice rhythm skills whether they are home, physically distant in class, or in small groups. Plus, in the long run practicing rhythm has many benefits. Percussion […]
Using Small Instruments, Body Percussion, and Other Resources to Teach Rhythm
Lesson plans
Lesson plans
Form : Moving the various segments around, layering patterns, working in a round. Perform body percussions as a Symphony (a whole group working together) a Concerto ( a soloist with the group...
Lesson plans
Easy Bucket Drumming
Easy Bucket Drumming
Bucket drumming is a really engaging activitiy for your music classes. It’s inexpensive to equip a classroom with buckets and sticks, and they are easy to stack and store, so bucket drumming is an activity that’s accessible to all. Buckets: What kind of buckets should you get? You can use all shapes and sizes of […]
Easy Bucket Drumming
How to Bucket Drum
How to Bucket Drum
Playing bucket drums is a fun way to practice percussion. You can achieve a unique sound by striking different parts of the bucket. Many people make extra money by playing their bucket drums on the street, in subway stations, or at...
How to Bucket Drum
Curriculum Materials
Teaching Secondary General Music & Music Appreciation Online
Teaching Secondary General Music & Music Appreciation Online
How do you engage and teach middle and high school students online in general music or high school music appreciation classes? How can you make your sessions more interactive so students aren't sitting and listening the entire time? How do you ensure students are present without The answers to all of these questions and more are in this presentation session. You will learn the rules for engagement, how to set up and use Nearpod, and how to engage students right in Zoom(or whatever virtual platform your school uses). Make a copy of my slides: Make a copy of the Nearpod activity: Secondary General Music & Music Appreciation was previously presented and recorded on 9/9/2020. Teaching Music Online: A Comprehensive Guide for K-12 Music Educators is available now through F-Flat Books:
Teaching Secondary General Music & Music Appreciation Online
The Largest Bucket Drumming Online School. Lesson Plans, Sheet music & Step By Step Videos. Click Here for your Free Getting Started with Bucket Drumming Guide