MUE 6399 Creative Thinking in Music

MUE 6399 Creative Thinking in Music

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Composing in Bite-Sized Chunks
Composing in Bite-Sized Chunks
Dr. Rob Deemer (SUNY Fredonia) will present on learning how to compose melodies from basic building blocks all the way up to short compositions using “buckets” of small melodic chunks.
Composing in Bite-Sized Chunks
Simon & Garfunkel - The Story Of Bridge Over Troubled Water
Simon & Garfunkel - The Story Of Bridge Over Troubled Water
The Story Of Bridge Over Troubled WaterListen to Simon and Garfunkel: to the official Simon and Garfunkel...
Simon & Garfunkel - The Story Of Bridge Over Troubled Water
Boom Cards
Boom Cards
Boom Cards
Seesaw - Student driven digital portfolios and simple parent communication. For iOS, Android, Kindle Fire, Chromebooks and Computers with Chrome or Firefox. Free for teachers!
School Management Software for K12 | OnCourse Systems
School Management Software for K12 | OnCourse Systems
Exceptional web-based tools for extraordinary K-12 schools that crave progress, not paperwork. Learn more about our school management software products now.
School Management Software for K12 | OnCourse Systems
BAND – The App For Groups
BAND – The App For Groups
BAND is the free communication app for groups trusted by team leaders around the world. Create a free and secure space for your group to communicate better.
BAND – The App For Groups
iDoceo - Teacher gradebook and planner app for iPad in App Store - Home
iDoceo - Teacher gradebook and planner app for iPad in App Store - Home
An all-in-one app for teachers. Manage an unlimited number of students and classes. Includes planner, grade book, schedule, resource manager, statistics, handwritten notes and seating plans.
iDoceo - Teacher gradebook and planner app for iPad in App Store - Home
ClassDojo helps teachers, parents, and students build amazing classroom communities.
What's A Webquest?
What's A Webquest?
A class of 1st and 2nd grade gifted students explain what a webquest entails, what they think about webquests and what type of final projects they have explo...
What's A Webquest?
What is a WebQuest?
What is a WebQuest?
Dr. Bernie Dodge, professor of Educational Technology ( at San Diego State University, describes how he invented the WebQuest, why they're so useful for students and teachers, what a WebQuest is and isn't, and how to go about creating your own WebQuest.
What is a WebQuest?
Musicplayonline is the most useful and affordable teaching tool you will ever use! Subscribe now for US$149.95/year or CAN$200/year. This resource contains the entire Musicplay Teacher's Guide and Digital, which includes 700+ songs, 4000+ song/concept movies, hundreds of interactive activities and games, weekly lesson plans for PreK-6 and so much more!