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How to convert a Google docs document to LaTeX?
How to convert a Google docs document to LaTeX?
I am working in a team with people who didn't know LaTeX, and while I would have loved to get them into it through shareLaTeX or a similar service, we don't have the time for this. As a result, we ...
How to convert a Google docs document to LaTeX?
【LaTeX入门】05、换行、换段、换页、首行缩进等命令_latex 换行-CSDN博客
【LaTeX入门】05、换行、换段、换页、首行缩进等命令_latex 换行-CSDN博客
文章浏览阅读10w+次,点赞51次,收藏204次。换行命令\\:换行。\\[offset]:换行,并且与下一行的行间距为原来行间距+offset。\newline:与\\相同。\linebreak:强制换行,与\newline的区别为\linebreak的当前行分散对齐。分段命令\par:分段。分页命令\newpage:分页命令。\clearpage:和 \newpage_latex 换行
【LaTeX入门】05、换行、换段、换页、首行缩进等命令_latex 换行-CSDN博客