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ETLs, ELTs, and Reverse ETLs
ETLs, ELTs, and Reverse ETLs
How to bring data from multiples sources into your data warehouse, then how to operationalize that data by pushing your insights to where you can make use of them.
ETLs, ELTs, and Reverse ETLs
Syncing and scanning databases
Syncing and scanning databases
Syncing and scanning databases Metabase runs different types of queries to stay up to date with your database. Syncs get updated schemas to display in the Data Browser. Scans take samples of column values to populate filter...
Syncing and scanning databases
Re: [請益] 轉職資料工程師
Re: [請益] 轉職資料工程師
小叔現在在紐西蘭某政府機關擔任資料科學主資深主管 整體上來說,要餓不死...走資料的後端就對了 如果你有其他資料視覺化,統計分析等等的技能那大概就可以一直跳挑戰天花板 現代資料科學就跟網頁手機軟體等等一樣,一堆工具可以節省時間 一套DataRobot AutoML平台一年五百萬台幣也不過就兩個Data Scientist人頭
Re: [請益] 轉職資料工程師