I don't actually know how to describe what I wanted, but I'll show you:
For example:
$data1 = "the color is";
$data2 = "red";
What should I do (or process) so $result is the
I have an AWS ECS service who's deployment has been in progress for more than an hour? What can I do to get it to complete?
I have the following for the service deployment options:
Minimum healthy
ECS - task fails to start but container looks fine. Dosn't show error in logs
I am completely new to AWS and trying this for a cloud assignment. I created a ECS cluster and tried adding both fargate and EC2 tasks with a container. My task fails to start on creation itself and
SQL中的条件判断函数CASE WHEN,和IF的用法_sql case when if-CSDN博客
文章浏览阅读4.2w次,点赞17次,收藏68次。条件判断函数也成为控制流程函数,根据满足的条件的不同,执行相应的流程。MYSQL中进行条件判断的函数有IF,IFNULL,CASE。本文将分别介绍各个函数的用法。1、IF( expr , v1 , v2 )如果表达式expr的值为TURE,则IF()的返回值为v1;如果表达式expr是值为FALSE,则IF()的返回值为v2。IF()的返回值为数字值或者字符串,具体情况视其所在语境而定。..._sql case when if
I have gitbash in Windows. I am trying to run jq but its giving me error.
$ ./jq-win64.exe
parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 2, column 0
Intention: I want to use jq to parse json.
前幾天才看到一篇文章You Don’t Need A UI Framework,一位需要在一個產品一再重複打磨的 in-house 外國工程師,出來講說大家做產品不應該用 Bootstrap, Material UI, Ant Design 之類的 UI Framework,讀了之後有點夏蟲語冰之感,工作型態百百種,就像一個不愁吃穿做興趣的私廚出來分析說早餐店不該用料理包、組合肉、現成化工調味料,不該用水果茶粉/奶茶粉來泡飲料、所有食材要當天採買的,要為客人的健康和餐飲業的未來發展著
How do I type in the MFA code when using the AWS CLI? I have checked the documentation page of IAM http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/iam/index.html.
I have the MFA-Devices already ena...