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本文整理自字节跳动 Flink SQL 技术负责人李本超在 CommunityOverCode Asia 2023 上的 Keynote 演讲,李本超根据自己在开源社区的贡献经历,基于他在贡献开源社区过程中的一些小故事和思考,如何克服困难,在开源社区取得突破,并且在工作和开源贡献之间取得平衡的相关内容,跟大家分享《开源贡献难吗?》这一主题演讲。以下为本次演讲的文字稿。我目前就职于字节跳动流式计算团
會有這篇是因前陣子,和 91App 的首席架構師 Andrew 在母校北科旁的伯朗咖啡聊聊天。會找到我是因為 HR 看過我《閒談軟體架構》某篇文章後,然後問 Andrew 這位作者如何?碰巧 Andrew 也看過 Async everything?,加上 Terry…
GCP教學―輕鬆備份 GCP VM 資料,快照 Snapshot 自動備份 - Cloud Ace
GCP教學―輕鬆備份 GCP VM 資料,快照 Snapshot 自動備份 - Cloud Ace
對你來說,GCP是雲端,對Google來說還是機房。首先要把資料分開放,因為如果放在一起主機掛了開不起來就會很難搞,你的資料比較難救,如果分開的話,主機掛了,直接開一台新的,再把Data Disk掛起來就可以了。Google讓你可以輕鬆地做快照備份,甚至能夠排程備份,本文提供詳細的操作方法。
GCP教學―輕鬆備份 GCP VM 資料,快照 Snapshot 自動備份 - Cloud Ace
What is the difference between image and snapshot in GCP
What is the difference between image and snapshot in GCP
I am looking for details about what is the actual difference between image and snapshot. Let us say, I have an instance running on Redhat OS and Apache webserver. If I create an image and snapshot
What is the difference between image and snapshot in GCP
Google Cloud Platform: monitor traffic (by country)?
Google Cloud Platform: monitor traffic (by country)?
I'm using now the Google Cloud Platform for a few days but I did not manage to find a traffic usage chart or a chart in the page showing which traffic goes in which region ...
Google Cloud Platform: monitor traffic (by country)?
Monitor network traffic on GCP
Monitor network traffic on GCP
I'm using now the Google Cloud Platform since a few days but I couldn't find a traffic usage chart ... that? Is there a way to keep track of this?
Monitor network traffic on GCP
GCP 出站入站流量怎么理解 - V2EX
GCP 出站入站流量怎么理解 - V2EX
云计算 - @916go - GCP 出站流量是指 gcp 访问其它地区的费用吗?如果我用 gcp 下载是入站还是出站?比如我通过 gcp 用 steam 下载,下载地区是香港,那么 gcp 的费用算是去往香港的还算是中国的。如果
GCP 出站入站流量怎么理解 - V2EX
谷歌云300赠金过期后不要丢!升级账号白嫖每月200GB流量云服务器 - 兔哥博客
谷歌云300赠金过期后不要丢!升级账号白嫖每月200GB流量云服务器 - 兔哥博客
竟然才发现,原来最良心的竟然是谷歌云,2023年9月21日谷歌云宣布每月 200 GB 免费标准层互联网数据传输,这200G流量配合永久免费的实例,白嫖真香。大家好,我是兔哥 ,今天和大家分享谷歌云300赠金过期后,升级账号白嫖每月200GB流量服务器。
谷歌云300赠金过期后不要丢!升级账号白嫖每月200GB流量云服务器 - 兔哥博客
how to recover an instance disappeared in GCP
how to recover an instance disappeared in GCP
I had an instace VM called "wp-nginx-ssl-bitnami-vm-vm" but it disappeared. It no longer appears on the instances page. paid the platform normally without interruptions. I didn't find any...
gcloud logging read 'protoPayload.methodName:"compute.instances.delete"' \ --project=GCP_PROJECT_ID \ --format=json
how to recover an instance disappeared in GCP