What is the correct way to get the number or rows returned by this query? I'm specifically looking to see if no results are returned.
sql = 'SELECT count(*) from table WHERE guid = %s;'
觀察微服務架構的歷史演進,發展至今,無伺服器運算整合至微服務架構已是必然的趨勢。一般常見使用NodeJS和C#來開發Lambda和Azure Functions,而本文則將以Visual Studio Code開發工具來做示範,說明怎樣利用企業主流的Java語言來實作小而快的Serverless程式。
So I read the other posts but this question is unique. So this SQL dump file has this as the last entry.
INSERT INTO `wp_posts` VALUES(2781, 3, '2013-01-04 17:24:19', '2013-01-05 00:24:19'.
I'm t...
It seems I'm not the only person struggling with the differences between Laravel's DB::raw(), DB::select(), DB::statement(), and DB::unprepared() methods. It seems as if one almost needs to try a ...
How to specify database connection using statement method in Laravel
I am running a raw query on Laravel using DB::statement() method. This statement needs to fetch data from my secondary database.
I wonder if there is any clean way to specify database connection t...
I am new in Django and having a hard time figuring out how to print what an object have inside. I mean type and value of the variable with its members inside. Just like Laravel's dd(object) function.