Delaware County

Delaware County

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The Daily Journal-Herald, 1902-1929 | Delaware County, OH
The Daily Journal-Herald, 1902-1929 | Delaware County, OH
The Delaware Daily Journal-Herald newspaper was formed by the merger of two papers and was published between March 21, 1902, and March 30, 1929. The Delaware Herald (1866-1902), which appeared as a weekly, a semi-weekly and a daily paper, had several titles, including the Delaware Democratic Herald. The second paper in the merger was Delaware Journal, which previously had also been called the Delaware Chronicle. Like many newspapers of the time, the Journal-Herald published local, state and national news, covering topics from sports to culture to politics, as well as items of a more general interest such as agriculture, religion, architecture and other topics.
The Daily Journal-Herald, 1902-1929 | Delaware County, OH
Delaware County Historical Society Digital Archive
Delaware County Historical Society Digital Archive
In April 2010, volunteers began a project to scan and catalog the pictures which are owned by the Society. As of December 2021, we have scanned nearly 10,000 of the pictures and have made over 9,300 available via this web site.
Delaware County Historical Society Digital Archive
Death records, 1867-1907 | Delaware County, OH
Death records, 1867-1907 | Delaware County, OH

Microfilm of original records filmed at the Delaware County courthouse, Delaware, Ohio.

The death records from Delaware County Board of Health acts as an index to these records. For those information, search the Author/Title Catalog under "Death record, 1867-1994 / Delaware County (Ohio). Board of Health"

Includes index.

Information includes date, name, date of death, marital status, age, place of death, place of birth, occupation, name of parents, color, disease, place of residence, by whom reported.

Death records, 1867-1907 | Delaware County, OH
Delaware County Memory Digital Archive | OH
Delaware County Memory Digital Archive | OH
Delaware County Memory is an ongoing collaborative project between libraries, governmental offices, local historical societies, and other local archives throughout Delaware County.
Delaware County Memory Digital Archive | OH