Taylor High School: Class Night Exercises, 1937 | Lackawanna County, PA

Lackawanna County
Carbondale Directory, 1920 | Lackawanna County, PA
Pages scanned by "Susan White Pieroth 2020".
1923 Bell Telephone Directory | Lackawanna County, PA
Scanned pages by "Susan White Pieroth 2021". Towns are listed alphabetically, list of available towns here.
Central Valley Directory (Old Forge, Taylor, Moosic), 1927 | Lackawanna County, PA
Scanned pages by "Susan White Pieroth 2021".
St Michael's Ukrainian Orthodox Church, 1979: 50th Anniversary and Rededication | Scranton, Lackawanna County, PA
Centennial Celebration Old Forge Pennsylvania | Lackawanna County, PA
Lackawanna County PAGenWeb