

Maryland Death Index Database
Maryland Death Index Database

Use the indexed information to find the death certificate here.

Baltimore city (BC) (95% complete): 1874-1900 (88% complete), 1901-1909, 1911-1915, 1917-1920, 1922-1926, 1927(K-Z), 1928-1953, 1956-1957(A-J), 1958, 1959-1960(A-K), 1961-2014

All Counties (No Baltimore city): 1898-1903 (A-L,Mc,N,P-S,U-W,Z); 1969-2014

Maryland Death Index Database
Maryland Birth Index Database
Maryland Birth Index Database

This index is INCOMPLETE. Includes Baltimore city (BC): 1875-1902, 1904, 1905, 1907. Use the indexed information to find the birth certificate on the Internet Archive here.

Maryland Birth Index Database
Digital Maryland Collections
Digital Maryland Collections
Digital Maryland is a collaborative, statewide digital preservation program of the Enoch Pratt Free Library / Maryland State Library Resource Center. The goal of the project is to facilitate the digitization, digital preservation, and access for historical and cultural documents, images, audio, and video that record Maryland’s history.
Digital Maryland Collections
Historical Society of Harford County Digital Archive | CT
Historical Society of Harford County Digital Archive | CT
The Historical Society’s record keeping system is called PastPerfect. This is an online KEYWORD search database providing researchers the ability to search our records without having to travel to our Headquarters. Library books, vertical files and AV materials are indexed online. Our volunteers are continuing to input records from our extensive document base. Past Perfect also has a link to The Maryland Historical Trust’s information on the state inventoried Harford County properties.
Historical Society of Harford County Digital Archive | CT