Onondaga County

Onondaga County

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Syracuse Central High School Archives, 1887-1947 | Onondaga County, NY
Syracuse Central High School Archives, 1887-1947 | Onondaga County, NY
The collection contains a diverse array of materials relating to the history of the high school and the educational and extracurricular activities of its students. Items of interest include report cards, diplomas, photographs, student publications, clippings, banquet programs, dance cards, class rings, pins/buttons, and other unique ephemera. Included in the collection are black-and-white photographs of school groups and graduating classes from the early 20th century until the World War II era. There are diplomas from graduates dating from the late 19th century to early 20th century.
Syracuse Central High School Archives, 1887-1947 | Onondaga County, NY
Obituary Index | Onondaga County, NY
Obituary Index | Onondaga County, NY
Index to the Local History/Genealogy Department's collection of selective obituaries clipped from the Syracuse newspapers for 1862 through 1992. May include other events, i.e. marriages and probate. If you'd like a copy of the actual clipping, contact the Local History/Genealogy department at 315.435.1900 or lhg@onlib.org
Obituary Index | Onondaga County, NY
Vital Records Index | Onondaga County, NY
Vital Records Index | Onondaga County, NY
This database is an index to LH/G Department's extensive church records holdings and newspaper abstracts; often includes names of parents and siblings. (10,632 records).
Vital Records Index | Onondaga County, NY