United States Genealogy

United States Genealogy

"#U.S. Army" "#Muster Rolls"
War of 1812 Muster Rolls, under Lt. Col. Jed Crosby | Erie County, NY
War of 1812 Muster Rolls, under Lt. Col. Jed Crosby | Erie County, NY
One handwritten muster roll of "A Co. at Fort Erie, Capt. Buel. Commanded by Lt. Col. Jed Crosby from 29 Aug. 1814 to Sept. 29 1814" and one handwritten muster roll of "A co. of vol. N.Y. under Capt. John Hubbard commanded by Lt. Col. Jed Crosby from Sept. 1st 1814 to Sept 29 1814." Item held and digitized by the Buffalo History Museum.
War of 1812 Muster Rolls, under Lt. Col. Jed Crosby | Erie County, NY