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76th New York State Volunteer Regiment
76th New York State Volunteer Regiment
The Seventy-Sixth Regiment, New York State Volunteers, was raised from the small towns and farms of central New York State. During its three years of existence it fought with the Army of the Potomac in most of the battles in the eastern theater of the war, from Fredericksburg to Petersburg. At the Battle of Gettysburg, the 76th was "first on the field", at the right flank of the entire army, and suffered terrible casualties as a result. The men of the regiment were mustered out or transferred to other regiments between July 1864 and January 1865, at which point the regiment ceased to exist.
76th New York State Volunteer Regiment
Roster of Children in the Soldiers' Orphan Schools of Pennsylvania (June 1, 1895)
Roster of Children in the Soldiers' Orphan Schools of Pennsylvania (June 1, 1895)
Taken from the Annual Report of the Commission of Soldiers' Orphan Schools, published in 1895. The roster is presented here by county as it is in the Annual Report. Click on your county of interest below to access that county's segment of the roster (PA counties not included were not part of the roster).
Roster of Children in the Soldiers' Orphan Schools of Pennsylvania (June 1, 1895)
Registers of Pennsyvania Volunteers, 1861-1865
Registers of Pennsyvania Volunteers, 1861-1865
Arranged by regiment, rank, and then alphabetically by surname, these registers document Pennsylvania Volunteers who served during the Civil War. Information normally recorded includes the soldier's name, age, rank, regiment and company; the term of his service; and the date, place, and name of the person who mustered in and enrolled him. Written remarks regarding the promotion, desertion, death, or discharge of the volunteer are frequently entered as well.
Registers of Pennsyvania Volunteers, 1861-1865