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Russia Abroad Digital Collection
Russia Abroad Digital Collection
The Russian Diaspora Initiative (RDI) is the result of a landmark donation to The Hoover Institution Library & Archives, with a stated purpose of transforming the study of the global Russian diaspora. This major initiative provides users broad access to digitized émigré newspapers ranging from 1917 Russian revolution through 1991 in an Open Access platform, accessible globally.
Russia Abroad Digital Collection
Presbyterian Historical Society Digital Collections
Presbyterian Historical Society Digital Collections
Collections include digitized and born-digital records; manuscripts; images; publications, including rare books; sound recordings; and moving images. At this time, access is not provided to digitized congregation or mid council records and most born digital records; however, efforts are being made to preserve this content.
Presbyterian Historical Society Digital Collections
Worlds of Change | CURIOSity Digital Collections
Worlds of Change | CURIOSity Digital Collections
Welcome to Worlds of Change, a collection of more than 700,000 digitized pages of all known archival and manuscript materials in the Harvard Library that relate to 17th- and 18th-century North America. This material was digitized as part of a multi-year project, formerly known as Colonial North America at Harvard Library.
Worlds of Change | CURIOSity Digital Collections
Awesome Digital History
Awesome Digital History
Finding aids for textual and multimedia primary sources with a focus on the western hemisphere and the 19th and 20th centuries. Courses and learning tools to explore history digitally.
Awesome Digital History