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Tooltips are presentational - TPGi
Tooltips are presentational - TPGi
The ARIA tooltip role is functionally useless and semantically meaningless. The only legitimate use-case for tooltips is to show information that’s already accessibly defined. So tooltips only benefit sighted users, and are therefore presentational.
Tooltips are presentational - TPGi
Don’t Use aria-label on Static Text Elements
Don’t Use aria-label on Static Text Elements
This is why it is essential to check for correctimplementations according to the spec first and then verify using assistive technologies. If you follow the spec, you do not run into these cases where assistive technologies try to repair broken code to ensure access.
Don’t Use aria-label on Static Text Elements
Accessible Description Exposure
Accessible Description Exposure
If you have little experience with ARIA, screen readers, or testing in general, understanding accessible descriptions can be trickier than understanding accessible names (already confusing for many). I have written explanations so many times for clients and in fora that I opted to put this together so I maybe never…
Accessible Description Exposure
Background: An in-depth guide to ARIA roles - The A11Y Project
Background: An in-depth guide to ARIA roles - The A11Y Project
ARIA roles are one half of the predefined categories of attributes used to describe elements that may not exist natively in browsers or may not be understood by screen readers and other assistive technologies.
Background: An in-depth guide to ARIA roles - The A11Y Project