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Mind The (Remediation) Gap - TPGi
Mind The (Remediation) Gap - TPGi
When auditors provide advice on accessibility issues, it's primarily about the HTML used. But do frontend developers actually know HTML these days?
I wish I were overstating the degree to which this has become an issue. But when I regularly talk to “full-stack developers” who don’t know how to write an unordered list or who don’t know that you can’t nest a button inside of a link, I’m convinced that the term “full-stack” has always been meaningless.
Mind The (Remediation) Gap - TPGi
Accessible Description Exposure
Accessible Description Exposure
If you have little experience with ARIA, screen readers, or testing in general, understanding accessible descriptions can be trickier than understanding accessible names (already confusing for many). I have written explanations so many times for clients and in fora that I opted to put this together so I maybe never…
Accessible Description Exposure